Friday Foto FAIL

So I was suds-ing up in the shower this morning and it hit me. I hadn’t prepped my Friday Foto. I started to last night, but then planning guest blogs, putting out work fires, talking to my mom, and watching Grey’s Anatomy got in the way.

I vowed to grab my jump drive that had the photo I wanted to post and take care of it at work.

I toddled off to work and it hit me. Again.

I forgot the jump drive.

Rather than walking the 4 blocks home — in the cold — to get it, and rather than promising I will post it later tonight (knowing I have way too much to do), I decided to fess up and call this week a wash.

Blame vacation brain.

See you in a week!


Filed under Friday Foto, travel

5 responses to “Friday Foto FAIL

  1. HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!! it’s well deserved!

  2. That’s okay, I posted a host of friday flix for you on thereafterish. LOL. VERY VAIN.

    I’m sorry I was too lazy to sent you a guest post.


  3. Isn’t it frustrating when you spend so much time planning your blog and then something goes awry!?

  4. ria

    i think we can forgive you! have a wonderful time!! i can’t wait to see pictures. bring back some sun too!

  5. That Cabo does funny things to a person’s memory! 😉

    Have an amazing time! I’m sure that all the pictures you’ll have when you come back will make up for it a thousand times over =)

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