Baseball, bloggers, and whales oh my!

I just spent the last two hours uploading photos from Boston to Facebook and unfortunately, I used up all my snark on that, so you’re stuck with bullets!

  • Fenway was fabulous.
  • “Quality Time” with DD abounded. And I don’t just mean the cute and cuddly let me lay my head on your arm whilst we watch TV quality time, you know. And when you don’t get all that much of the good kind of quality time under normal circumstances, it was a good thing.
  • I met strangers from the Internet. And it was awesome. And to top it all off, DD didn’t totally think my secret blogging world was lame and tell me I was one of those crazy Internet people and he could no longer date me. In fact, he formed his own little bromance with Jill Pilgrim’s hubby and they, along with the other significant others who were dragged along, had a nice little convo in the corner while us bloggers took over the entire back of the bar.
  • DD got quite the education on one of my favorite childrens books, Make Way for Ducklings as we spent the weekend in search of the statue erected in the book’s honor. And when we found it, you better believe I trampled over small children and Asian tourists alike, to get my photo taken with those ducks.
  • We saw whales. We also saw the true human spirit as whale watching tourists with fanny packs and high powered cameras elbowed one another out of the way to get glimpses of the magical beings. I? Was one of the elbowing tourists (minus the fanny pack and good camera) while DD sat back and watched the show.
  • DD and I learned more about each other. Sounds all cute and cuddly (much like that quality time I referenced above), right? And it was. This morning our flight left at 6 a.m. We were up at 3:30 a.m. I? Am not a morning person. In the two years we’ve been dating, DD has had plenty of schooling on this fact. Until today, when he thought it would be funny to sing a song to help wake me up. He’s lucky he didn’t lose his left ball with that brainy idea. Totally a cute and cuddly moment, I’d say.

And that brings me to now. After all that — and more — activity, I’m really quite tired. But no rest for the weary: there’s work tomorrow and Chicago this weekend!


Filed under DD (aka My Man), glass half full, travel

6 responses to “Baseball, bloggers, and whales oh my!

  1. So glad you had fun in Boston! I was there this summer and it was great. Fenway was the highlight, no lie.

  2. it was great to meet you! we need to become fb friends! 🙂

  3. Yayyy! I’m so glad you guys came- it was a blast meeting you. The boys’ little bromance was basically the cutest thing ever.

    I mean manliest.

    (Cutest. Definitely cutest.)

  4. Jessica — I remember seeing your photos…and you’re right Fenway was a major highlight!

    Brookem — FB friends FTW!

    LiLu — Definitely cutest. Especially how they all crowded in the corner. Perhaps they should form their own support group?!

  5. It was so great to meet you, as we took over the bar.

  6. yay for bloggy meetups! 🙂

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